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Secure Detect - Animal Detection System
Environmentally friendly and animal-safe.
Safeguard’s Animal Detection System is completely wireless, environmentally friendly and solar-powered. It can detect bear, moose, elk, deer, mountain lion and any other roaming animal as they are entering the roadway. Each sensor can cover up to 650 feet (200 meters) while additional units can be used for longer distances (unlimited). In addition to being fully-integratable with other
security systems, this money-saving system can cover curved roadways with additional sensors that can follow almost any terrain.
Features and Benefits
* Made in the USA
* Animal-safe and environmentally friendly
* Fully independent, self-supporting solar-powered system
* Automatic detection of animals crossing roadways
* Timely notification to approaching motorists
* Can support active detectors, strobes and other techniques
* No permanent unsightly changes to the roadway
* Pre-configured for integration of camera systems
* System alerts of maintenance needs
* Completely wireless - no trenching, wiring or pulling of wires
* Reconfiguration and relocation is as simple as moving towers
Ideal applications for the Animal Detection System is any roadway where animals may roam, and cause risk to themselves and motorists.
* Material: Polycarbonate material with a lexan face sealed lens cover
* Voltage: Solar Panel: 18.5Vdc DC via 20watt and 40watt/Supply: 9.5 VDC to 13.5 VDC
* Battery Supply: Four batteries -12volt 12amp, total 48amp stand-by-power
* Autonomy: 15 days @ 75A single stack/7 days double stack @ 150A (dual)
* Protection Distance: up to 650 feet recommended
* Detection System: Active IR point-to-point intelligent dual beams
* Frequency: 440-480 MHz
* Current Photobeam Consumption: Quiescent: 100-170ma single stack/200-265ma dual stacked w/long range radio
* Current Radio Consumption: 60ma stand-by, 750-1.4 amp 1 sec. burst transmitting
* Transmission Range: Up to 5 miles from tower to receiver/Short range - up to 3000ft.
* Signal Output: 8-Digital Channels per tower for alarm, 4 analog channels for environmental monitoring, beam alignment, solar & battery voltage telemetry
* Options/size: Voice speaker system, PC Interactive, CCTV Still Photo on alarm, * Zoned relay output, strobe light
* Dimensions: Tower units vary depending upon application. Typical size is between 6’ and 14’ and may be designed to specific needs.